The Fold: Leap Day!

It's Leap Day! I think I'll leap into bed for a nap.

Some foldy hotel art from my stay in Raleigh.

I just got back from QuiltCon.

I'm still processing. I'll show you quilt pictures soon, I promise! For non-quilt views that inspired me, check out my recent Instagram posts:

Hey weirdypants, the quilts are over there.

More urban geometry, plus some intriguing hotel art.

Let's keep it rollin'.

Mola Art at Baptist Hospital

Oklahomies - did you know there is a collection of Mola art at Integris Baptist Hospital in Oklahoma City? They're off the beaten path, in a dim hallway lit by fluorescent lights (please excuse my photography) but if you have to hang out in the hospital, these are worth a visit.

What is Mola Art?

See my photos of the collection here.

From the didactic: "Molas are the traditional folk art of the Kuna people of San Blas, Panama. They live in the tropical islands and the rain-forested coast of the Caribbean. For more than 100 years, the Kuna women have been known for their brightly colored and strikingly unique blouse panels. The panels of the blouse are hand sewn in a reverse applique technique using several layers of differently colored cotton...

The women of the Kuna first made molas when they came in contact with sea traders and merchants who brought cloth and sewing tools. The first molas used geometric patterns and symbols influenced by the ancient practice of body painting. As contact with the Kuna and the outside world increased, molas took on even more creative images, themes, and colors."

Current Art Crushes: Lavialle Campbell and Hank Willis Thomas

Are you into two-color quilts, or restricted palettes? Check out these works by Lavialle Campbell.

I love the way Hank Willis Thomas uses meaningful reclaimed textiles and encodes text in fabric.

Hank Willis Thomas on Instagram

Artist talk at Cincinnati Art Museum

Hank Willis Thomas' website

A GIF For Those Who Read This Far

See you next time,

xoxo Sarah