
Welcome! I'm Sarah Atlee, Quilt Artist

by Sarah Atlee

I would love for you to read my fortnightly-ish newsletter, The Fold. I share stories about quilts, language, space-time, and other things that fold. If you enjoy it, please subscribe!

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The Fold: Stitches and Words

Special thanks to Rachel for this capture. In This Issue: Uncovering is open through 7/6 In-person gallery events coming up Sewing Zines I had a wonderful time at last week’s opening for Qu’aint: Uncovering. I got to see lots of friends and nerd out about quilting. (I’m always up for debating the relative merits of various thimbles or bobbin tension or whatever.) This show is on display in Oklahoma City through July 6th. Sarah with her quilting colleague Lela. Special thanks to Rachel for...

The Fold: Opening Thursday 5/23, and How to Continue

In This Issue: New show opening this week! About the new work, Portal 3 Why hand-stitching feels so good How we can take care of our hands How we can keep going in the face of, well, everything A video about folding laundry Qu'aint: Uncovering Opens this Thursday! The newest iteration of the Qu'aint Collaboration is debuting this week at [Artspace] at Untitled in Oklahoma City. Read on for all the wheres and whens. What: Uncovering is a new art exhibition by the Qu'aint Collaboration, a group...

The Fold: Spring Break!

The Fold is taking a short break. I'll be back at you around May 4th, 2024 with exciting news about a new show! Take good care of yourself! We'll talk again soon. xoxo Sarah

The Fold: Leap Day!

It's Leap Day! I think I'll leap into bed for a nap. Some foldy hotel art from my stay in Raleigh. I just got back from QuiltCon. I'm still processing. I'll show you quilt pictures soon, I promise! For non-quilt views that inspired me, check out my recent Instagram posts: Hey weirdypants, the quilts are over there. More urban geometry, plus some intriguing hotel art. Let's keep it rollin'. Mola Art at Baptist Hospital Oklahomies - did you know there is a collection of Mola art at Integris...

The Fold: Made From Hard Stuff

If I'm not back by morning, call the President. Hey friends! This issue of The Fold is coming atcha from deep in the recesses of my couch, where I’ve been working on some new quilts. What for? This: In Love With Love opens 2/10 at Factory Obscura in OKC Starting at 7 pm, Factory Obscura will be hosting a group art show in the Mix-Tape East Bay featuring handmade valentines exploring all the various forms of LOVE. Each piece will be for sale! Admission to the V-Day Art Show is free. Tickets...

The Fold: Mandatory Staycation

Mandatory Staycation In this issue: Why I'm having a staycation Recent experiments in the studio Last chance to see Common Threads at Myriad Gardens What things are making my staycation better Happy Saturday! We’re getting a snow flurry in OKC, so I’m thinking it’s the perfect time to stay indoors and sew all day. “All day” may be an exaggeration because there’s probably gonna be a nap in there too. I’m staying home because I’m most of the way through a Mandatory Staycation, aka a mild case...
Photo of a patchwork quilt with fabrics in blue, gray, white, and a little yellow and orange

The Fold: No Recaps, Top Tens, or Resolutions

The Fold: No Recaps, Top Tens, or Resolutions Welcome to The Fold. Grab a cuppa and join me for not-one-of-those January newsletters. Common Threads show open through January 23 The Common Threads fiber art exhibition is open through January 23 in the lobby of Myriad Gardens in OKC. (map link) The art show is free to attend. Common Threads features five fiber artists: Sarah Atlee, Vicki Conley, Irmgard Geul, Sarah Sherrod, and Lisa Wing. Myriad Gardens' Crystal Bridge Conservatory is open...
Selfie of Sarah sitting in front of her design wall with a patchwork quilt in progress.

The Fold: What I Mean When I Say Invest In Joy.

Self Portrait with Oblivion (It's About Joy) in progress, 2021. Oblivion was a quilt I created purely because it made me happy. In this issue: Booboo Bandaids and Joy A Free Gift! Common Threads opens this week Potholders available for holiday giving What I Mean When I Say Invest In Joy. I got my annual flu shot. Since this required me putting on my Big Girl Pants, I closed my eyes for the shot and laid still for the next few minutes. Then I rolled my sleeve down and went about my day. It...
Promotional graphic for an art show with white text superimposed over a piece of woven art. Text reads: Common Threads a fiber arts exhibition, December 14 - January 23. Opening reception December 15, 6pm. Sarah Atlee, Vicki Conley, Irmgard Geul, Sarah Sh

The Fold: The Art of Quilting is Normalizing Love.

In this issue: In Flux has gone to its forever home Fiber art show opening soon! Where else to find my work this season Remember this quilt? If you’re new to The Fold, you may not have seen In Flux, a quilt commissioned earlier this year by my friend and fellow artist, Jane Vincent Taylor. Jane has now given the quilt to its intended recipient, and she wrote about the experience. It makes me feel all the feels. Here’s a choice snippet: “I hadn’t anticipated how much this work of art could...

I would love for you to read my fortnightly-ish newsletter, The Fold. I share stories about quilts, language, space-time, and other things that fold. If you enjoy it, please subscribe!

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