The Fold: Made From Hard Stuff

Hey friends! This issue of The Fold is coming atcha from deep in the recesses of my couch, where I’ve been working on some new quilts. What for? This:

In Love With Love opens 2/10 at Factory Obscura in OKC

Starting at 7 pm, Factory Obscura will be hosting a group art show in the Mix-Tape East Bay featuring handmade valentines exploring all the various forms of LOVE. Each piece will be for sale!

Admission to the V-Day Art Show is free. Tickets are required for the Mix-Tape experience and live performances on the Wonder Stage.

All the event info is right here.

My new quilts for this show are about Self Love. How do I love me? Well…

I recognize that my experience and worldview are incomplete.

I feed myself tasty, nourishing foods (like breakfast burritos).

I allow myself to like what I like without explanation.

I accept that I am messy, complicated, flawed, and wonderful in my complexity.

You know what else I love? HAND QUILTING.

Good gravy, y'all. The textures. The sensory feedback. The way the rows of stitching grow and evolve. Smaller quilts are a great way for me to practice hand quilting without having to wrangle a bed-sized object. I’m getting well-acquainted with my sashiko needles.

Elevate your space. Invest in joy.

Sarah Atlee is now accepting commissions for custom-made quilts! Click here to learn more.

What I’m Looking At

Soft things made from hard stuff: sculptures by Ikuo Inada (website, Instagram)

Even softer things made from even harder stuff: sculptures by Jose Manuel Castro Lopez (gallery website, Instagram). Folded stone, y'all.

What I’m Reading

The Martian and Project Hail Mary by Andy Weir. Do you like guy-in-the-chair narratives? Procedurals? Stories where the protagonists have to solve problems one step at a time? Even if you’re not super into sci-fi, I definitely recommend these two books for the “well, that didn’t work, let’s try this other thing” action. The movie The Martian is also very good. (Stay tuned for a movie version of PHM starring Ryan Gosling!)

Let’s connect.

You can also find me on my website, Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, and Linkedin.

A GIF For Those Who Read This Far

In honor of Dolly Parton, who just had a birthday and who never met a spud she didn’t like.

See you next time,
xoxo Sarah